Careers and alumni

Do you think about what students at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences do after their studies? Or do you think about your own career?

As a student at the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences you have many possibilites! On this web page we have gathered inspiration, ideas and experiences about what former students (alumni) do today and what possibilities you have in your own career.

Join the Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences Alumni Group at LinkedIn: Alumni – Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences

Join the Lund University Alumni Network at LinkedIn:
Lund University Alumni Network (official)

Careers service for students

If you think about your career and where to find a job, then you can turn to Careers service at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.

Welcome to Lund University Alumni Network

The Alumni Network is a free professional and social network for all who have studied at Lund University.

Welcome to join here!


Alumnus/alumna is what you become when you have finished your studies at Lund University. Alumni are former students of an institution. The word is Latin and means pupil.

Contact information

Anna Burstedt, Academic Advisor

E-mail anna.burstedtkultur.luse

Phone 046–222 94 33

Room LUX:C313

Vistitin address Helgonavägen 3, Lund

Postal address Box 192, 221 00 Lund

Page Manager: Asa.Lundgrenkultur.luse | 2023-10-10