Intermedia Studies

The research that is carried out in the subject of intermedial studies is multi- and cross-disciplinary, and characterised in part by the subjects in which the senior lecturers did their PhDs and based on the individual researchers' disciplinary background (literature, musicology, Latin, art history). As an example, Mats Arvidson's Programme K project ("The crisis of art and culture. Art music and technocracy in post-war Sweden") can be mentioned as a project that is closer to musicology than to intermediality. Similarly, Arvidson's externally funded project "Musical composition in the post-digital age" (the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation) is an example of cross-disciplinary research (musicology, intermediality, cultural theory). Arvidson also participates in a Gustav Mahler project together with musicology at the department (Arvidson's part in this is cross-disciplinary, involving musicology and intermediality). Mikael Askander carries out partially externally funded research on the poet Bruno K. Öijer in which he investigates Öijer's poetry from different intermedial perspectives.

Books (7)

Editorships (9)

Articles (16)

Book chapters (35)

Conference contributions (20)

Working papers (2)

Reviews (4)

Articles in specialist publications and popular press (3)

Newspaper articles (1)

Miscellaneous (2)

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