
Teaching Staff, Associate Professor, Programme Coordinator
- Division of Art History and Visual Studies
- Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
Contact information
E-mail erika.larssonkultur.luse
Room LUX:A412
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30
Senior lecturer and researcher in Art History and Visual Studies.
My research interests include theories of photography and globalization. I am interested in how wider globalized phenomena incarnate differently in different places. For my PhD-thesis I looked at how contemporary photographers engage with transforming ideas around cultural identity and belonging in Turkey and Sweden. I am also interested in theories of visuality that go beyond familiar understandings of images as objects of representations and instead see images (in particular photographs) as embodied, situated and incarnated performances.
I have had a postdoc position at HDK-Valand Academy, Gothenburg University, researching contemporary artist’s engagements with the interwar period.
Currently, I am senior lecturer and head of the Masters program in Visual Culture.
You can find my publications here:
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My profile in Lund University research portalSelectedpresentations:
2023 Invited guest lecturer at symposium Feeling the Past at the Department for History and Theory of Arts, Gothenburg University.
2022 Invited guest lecturer atsymposium MicroHistories: From Archives to Public Space:"With New Eyes", Konstfack.
2022 Invited guest at panel discussion during the session ArtisticVisual Practices at GPS400Conference for Collaborative Visual Research, Röhsska museet, Gothenburg.
2022 Invited guest lecturer on the masters course NewPerspectives on Photography and its History,HDK-Valand, Gothenburg University.
2021 Conference: A System Among Others? Power,Balance, Self-reflection on and with the Photographic image. Landskrona Foto. Paper: "Feeling the Past: anEmotional Reflection on an Archive"
2020 Invited guest lecturer at symposium: Zooming In talk: On Belonging, Foam Magazine.
2019 Invited guest lecturer at Kvällssamtal,Kvinnor, fotografi & arkivet, Landskrona foto.
2019 Invited guest lecturer at symposium: Performing photography:experience and engagement of photographic practices, Aalto university. Paper: "Photographic Acts of Belonging in Turkeyand Beyond"
2019 Conference: Photography as/and knowledge, Landskrona Foto. Paper: "Interwar Lens Cultures – Photographyand Film in Transition"
2016, Aalto University, Helsinki,Conference: Helsinki Photomedia, Paper title: The materiality of late photography
2012, Stockholm University, Nordik 2012Conference for Art History, Paper Title: On the Affectivity of Globalization and Contemporary Photography
2012, Lund University, Örenäs,Conference: Interventions into the Photographic, Paper title: Empathic Visions - PhotographicEngagements & Globalized Space
2012, Aalto University, Helsinki, Conference:Helsinki Photomedia, Paper title: Globalization and Situated, Differences in Contemporary Photography
2011, Lund University, Seminar Series:Modern Turkey Seminar, Presentation title: Contemporary Photography in Turkey and Beyond
2011, The Bergen Center of VisualCulture, Bergen, Conference: Nomadikon, Paper title: Photographic gestures &situated belongings
2011, Swedish Research Institute,Istanbul, Seminar Series: SRII Open Research Seminar, Presentation title: Contemporary Photography in Turkey;Methodological Issues
2011, University of Barcelona,Conference: Visualizing Europe: The Geopolitical and Intercultural Boundariesof Visual Culture, Paper title: Photography, representation and movement in the late Ottoman Empire andcontemporary Turkey
Other merits:
Recipient of the Swedish Research Institute inIstanbul's Big Stipend 2011

Teaching Staff, Associate Professor, Programme Coordinator
- Division of Art History and Visual Studies
- Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences
Contact information
E-mail erika.larssonkultur.luse
Room LUX:A412
Visiting address
Helgonavägen 3, Lund
Postal address
Box 192, 221 00 Lund
Internal post code 30