- Advanced Study Group - Aesthetics and Business Creativity
- AIR Lund - Användning av artificiell intelligens inom registerforskning
- Allt är ett: Holistiska kunskapsideal och kontroverser från sekelskiftet till antropocen
- A New Normal is Constantly Emerging - Probing The Cultural Dimensions of AI and XR-technologies
- Anomalous Aryans? Western Scientific Racism and the Ainu as a “Lost White Race,” 1868-1941
- A socio-material study of the identity-forming information practises of young men on digital platforms (Amanda Persson)
- At the End of the World: A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Apocalyptic Imaginary in the Past and Present
- Att kartlägga människans inre: Hormoner och kroppen som system, 1900–1950
- Barn och ungas vägar ut i världspolitiken
- Berlingska Stilgjuteriet: Industrial Typefounding in Sweden, 1837–1980
- Between Manuscripts and Prints - Physical expression of handwritten and printed law texts c. 1450-1650
- Bibliotekens riskhantering – administrera säkerhet och möjliggöra tillit
- Biomedicine at the borders. Ethnography as a model to investigate biomedicine’s moral and legal grey areas and to provide a basis for international actions ( (Susanne Lundin)
- Boken i det offentliga rummet / Le livre dans l'espace poublique
- Books & Politics (Kristina Lundblad)
- Burden of Proof? On creating and using art in the healthcare sector (Peter Bengtsen)
- Clinical experiments for Huntington's disease. Recommendations to medical researchers regarding how to inform potential participants Swedish Research Council (Susanne Lundin, Marsanna Petersen)
- Communicating with the "walking audience": Media configurations and urban spaces in Copenhagen and Christiania, ca. 1775-1815 (Magne Klasson)
- Conflicts Over Conspiracy Theories (Elzbieta Drazkiewicz)
- Controlling Destiny: Julian Huxley's Post-Darwinian Evolutionism and the History of Transhumanism
- Corona och livet över 70 år
- Den räta linjens hegemoni: Lantmäteripraktik och gränsdragningar under skiftesreformerna 1783–1864
- Det mjuka kulturarvet
- Diagnostiska samspel: Hur familjer, forskning och fosterdiagnostik konstruerar varandra
- Digital vold i hjemmet - en undersøgelse af udbredelsen af brugen af delte digitale enheder til psykisk vold og chikane
- Disrupted Temporalities
- Döden på Vipeholm – en undersökning om vården av ’osnygga obildbara sinnesslöa’ och möjlig medveten dödssvält
- Egenutgivning i Sverige 1938–2000
- Emily Nonnen i guldålderns Köpenhamn 1838-39: kvinna, elev, kritiker
- Fair Play, The Colloquium, Game Jam and Lectures (Jessica Enevold)
- Fat and the digital space: A study of mediated body shapes
- Female Pioneers of Electronic Music - Women in the Studios for Electronic Music between 1950 -1980
- Fireburn: Rebellion, Representation and Remembrance 1878-2018
- FIRE (financial independence, retire early) and the history of financial self-help: CUltures of capitalism c. 1875-2025
- Future Society and Democracy in Europe
- Game Studies - Journal Grant (Jessica Enevold)
- Home Control
- Husdrömmar: Från Folkhem till Fastighetsutveckling
- Illegal drugs - gathering information from the public and doctors. A preliminary evaluation of the implementation of knowledge in society. LUinnovation/VINNOVA (Projekt ID: 2014-1006) (Rui Liu, Susanne Lundin)
- Influencer lifeworlds. New work in a changing time (Gabriella Nilsson)
- (In)visible Matters
- Just Room? Architecture and Spatial Practice of the District Law Court
- Just Room? Architecture and Spatial Practice of the District Law Court
- Keep walking: orchestrations, experiences and perceptions of leisure walking practice
- Lyssningsläsning i akademin: Studenters användning av talböcker och talsyntes i högre utbildning (Karin Lundin)
- Making it Home: An Aesthetic Methodological Contribution to the Study of Migrant Home-Making and Politics of Integration -MaHoMe
- Mammography Screening with Artificial Intelligence
- Mellan ljud och text. Produktion, innehåll och upplevelser av multimodal ljudlitteratur. (Sara Tanderup Linkis)
- Memory as territory of resistance: archival practices and activism in lesbian archives
- Moderna kvinnor. Modernitet, femininitet och svenskhet i svensk veckopress 1920-1933 (Emma Severinsson)
- Moderna tider 1936
- Modern Swedish Ghostlote
- Musical Colonization: Scots and Swedes in Southern Africa, 1770–1850
- Narrating Climate Futures (Johannes Stripple)
- Nils Månsson Mandelgren och kampen om kulturens framtid
- Numismatisk samlingspraktik i 1700-talets Sverige
- Past and Present of the Enlightenment Ideas (Victoria Höög)
- Paths, Strategies and Struggles: Museums in the Contemporary Cultural Economy of Hybrid Markets. (Thomas O'dell)
- Patientpanelen: forskningsprojekt om hematologisk cancer
- Preserving community imaginaries in the platform age
- Public faces: Using and circulating printed portraits in eighteenth-century Sweden and Europe
- Route to Paris
- Skandinavismens gränser: Elias Lagerheim som kulturdiplomat i Köpenhamn 1836-1856
- Skilda konstvärldar (Max Liljefors)
- Sleepless Land, Fossil People
- Social infrastruktur som gör skillnad: Folkbibliotekens transformativa kapacitet i ett åtstramat stadsliv (Johanna Rivano Eckerdal)
- Society at crossroads between animals and humans: where do we go with Xenotransplantation
- Soundscape of K-Pop: A Study of K-Pop Fanchants in Concerts (Naoko Takayanagi)
- Space Humanities
- Stadens ansikten. Visuell kultur och social struktur i Stockholm 1880- 1930
- Strategic solidarity: Scandinavian countries' COVID-19 vaccine diplomacy
- Svensk bokhistoria (Jonas Nordin)
- Svensk hågkomst av Förintelsen - museer, politik och materialitet
- Svensk idéhistoria
- Sökmotorer och kunskapens ordning: Kulturella perspektiv på sökmotorer i samhället (Olof Sundin)
- The internet of things - challenges and opportunities to counter violence in close relationship
- The Making & Meaning of a Modern Saint - Albert Schweitzer & the Nobel Peace Prize
- The politics of expertise during Covid-19
- The role of contemporary Big Science facilities in the dynamics and productivity of science
- The Scoundrel Years: Scandinavian impudence of the press and print industry, c. 1760-1800 (Jonas Nordin)
- The Somerville-group and the introduction of historical arguments in philosophy
- To show but not tell: on themes of passivity, submission, and internalization in 1970s Nordic feminist art
- Traditioner i Sverige 2.0 (Gabriella Nilsson)
- Travel and Interstitial Identity: Transnational Trajectories and New Junctures of Community. (Thomas O'dell)
- Truthers and Truth Defenders in Sweden – An Ethnographic Study of Conspiracy Theories and Conflicts over Truths
- Vems kulturarv räknas när budgeten är tajt? Etnologisk studie av museers prioriteringar i dagens kulturekonomi
- Vetandets typografi. Det grafiska formandet av discipliner, akademisk identitet och föreställningar om vetenskaplighet / The Typography of Knowledge: Graphic Form and the Shaping of Disciplines, Academic Identities and Concepts of 'Scientificallity'
- Välfärdsstaten analyserad. Textanalys och modellering av svensk politik, media och kultur, 1945-1989
- Who is the expert? Generative AI as a site for negotiating expertise, evidence and trust in datafied society (Olof Sundin)
- Why do we choose the Internet instead of the doctor next door? The Internet as a site for medicines in grey zones. (Susanne Lundin)