Temanummer av Scandinavian Studies Journal – Museums and the Performance of Heritage in Nordic Contexts

Publicerad den 15 mars 2019

Lizette Gradén är gästredaktör för ett temanummer av Scandinavian Studies Journal vol 90, nummer 3, en tidskrift som ges ut av University of Illinois Press.

Fokus för temanumret är Museums and the Performance of Heritage in Nordic Contexts. Flera forskare verksamma i Scandinavian studies, etnologi och folkloristik i Sverige och USA medverkar. Introduktionen Museums and the Performance of Heritage in Nordic Contexts är skriven av Lizette Gradén och Tom O’Dell. <link https: www.press.uillinois.edu journals ss.html external-link-new-window>Scandinavian Studies Scandinavian Studies, official journal of the <link https: scandinavianstudy.org external-link-new-window external link in new>Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, focuses on the languages, cultures, and histories of the Nordic region, including the countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. It is an interdisciplinary journal spanning work in the humanities and social sciences, and as such serves as an outlet for original research in the languages, literatures, histories, cultures, and societies of the region, ranging from medieval to contemporary times.