Artiklar (sida 3 av 40)
- Larsson, E. (2024). The Flesh of History : Re-Enlivening the History of Textile Industries Through the Work of Kristina Müntzing. Konsthistorisk tidskrift/Journal of Art History, 92, 264-279. Taylor & Francis.
- Larsson, E. & Wolthers, L. (2024). Erotics as resistance : the work of Conny Karlsson Lundgren. Journal of Visual Art Practice, 23, 269-285. Taylor & Francis.
- Leth Gammelgaard, S. (2024). Flowers without meaning : The literary decadence as a finance aesthetics. b2o review.
- Lewandowski, D., Haider, J. & Sundin, O. (2024). JASIST Special Issue Editorial : Re-orienting search engine research in information science. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 75, 503-511. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Liljefors, M. (2024). Butoh and Embodied Transformation. The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 33, 90-114. The Nordic Society of Aesthetics.
- Lundberg, B. (2024). Youth Activism and Global Awareness : The Emergence of the Operation Dagsverke Campaign in 1960s Sweden. Contemporary European History, 33, 546-560. Cambridge University Press.
- Mousavi, N. (2024). Dangerous remembering in volatile spaces : Activist memory work in the Iranian context. Memory Studies, 17, 1142-1156. SAGE Publications.
- Mousavi, N. & Dodds, P. (2024). Intermedial interventions in the city : Media-life-city and the right to media. Urban Matters. Malmö Institute for urban research (IUR), Malmö University.
- Mårald, E., Jönsson, J., Kardell, ?., Sjögren, J. & Tunlid, A. (2024). An Exotic Tree in a Foreign Country : A Cultural Biography of the Lodgepole Pine in Sweden. Environment and History, 30, 483-506. White Horse Press.
- Narvselius, E. (2024). Forced Migrations as a European Heritage and Resource for Enhancing Intercultural Cohesion. Heritage and Society, 17, 439-460. Taylor & Francis.
- Nilsson, G. (2024). Our boy Whitey : Middle-aged women’s happy object on TikTok. Social Media + Society, 10, 1-11. SAGE Publications.
- Nilsson, G. (2024). Set in Motion : Paradoxical narratives of becoming Swedish digital media influencers. Gender, Work and Organization, 31, 337-352. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Nilsson, G. & Ode, A. (2024). Nästan jobb? : Betydelser av kön, plats och tid i den liminala tillvaron som influencer. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, 44, 103-123. Tidskrift för genusvetenskap, Karlstads universitet.
- Norris, M. (2024). Alphabetic Excavations : Johannes Bureus and the Runic Kabbalah. Zutot: Perspectives on Jewish Culture. Brill.
- Persson, A., Troein, M., Lundin, S., Midlöv, P. & Lenander, C. (2024). Exploring pharmacists’ perspectives about substandard and falsified medical products through interviews. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 13. Elsevier.
- Rivano Eckerdal, J., Engström, L., Färber, A., Hamm, M., Kofi, J., Landau-Donnelly, F. & Van Melik, R. (2024). Social infrastructuring in public libraries : librarians’ continuous care in everyday library practice. Journal of Documentation, 80, 206-225. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- Schmahmann, B., Schult, T. & Bengtsen, P. (2024). Editors’ Statement. Public Art Dialogue, 14, 85-88. Taylor & Francis.
- Severinsson, E. (2024). Historien om Sverige - att förmedla tusentals år av historia i bokform. Historisk Tidskrift, 144, 810-813. Svenska historiska föreningen.
- Stjernholm, E. & Snickars, P. (2024). Upscaling Swedish Biograph. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 14, 181-197. Intellect Ltd..
- Stobaeus, P. (2024). Haquin Spegels avskrift av ett 1200-talsbrev om Visby och Livland : Utgåva och översättning. Gusem = Gutilandorum Universitas Scholarium et Magistrorum : årsbok för Historiska föreningen på Gotland, 14, 97-111.
- Sundén, J. & Tanderup Linkis, S. (2024). Stories that will make you blush? Erotic audio fiction on the verge between privacy and publicness. Sound Studies. Routledge.
- Söderström, K. R. & Sundin, O. (2024). Exploring the digital grey zone of online medicinal markets emerging from search. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. John Wiley & Sons Inc..
- Søilen, K. L. G. & Veel, K. (2024). The Leaky Home : Conceptualising the Remote Control of Smart Technologies in the Domestic Sphere. Theory, Culture and Society. SAGE Publications.
- Tanderup Linkis, S. (2024). Lyst(op)læsning : Forførende højtlæsning og bogromantik med Jane Austen og Blanche Stories. Passage, 39, 67-84. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Tanderup, S., Andersen, T. R. & Zetterberg-Nielsen, S. (2024). Redaktionen. Passage, 39, 4-6. Aarhus Universitetsforlag.