Artiklar (sida 4 av 40)
- Törnvall, G. (2024). Reading patterns : Dressmaking sections in women’s magazines in the 1960s and 1970s. Cultural Studies, 1-26. Taylor & Francis.
- Van Orden Martinez, V. (2024). Emocje jako świadectwo : Aspekt psychologiczny składania przez ocalałych relacji przed komisją historyczną tuż po wojnie. Zaglada Zydow, 20, 275-292. Holocaust. Studies and Materials (10/2014).
- Wieczorek, O., Hallonsten, O. & Åström, F. (2024). Is Management and Organizational Studies divided into (micro‐)tribes?. Scientometrics, 129, 3871-3995. Akademiai Kiado.
- Bengtsen, P. & Jürgens, A.-S. (2023). Peter Bengtsen : Researching Street Art. w/k - Between Science and Art.
- Bengtsson, B. O. & Dunér, D. (2023). Minnesteckning över Gunnar Broberg. Årsbok / Kungl. Fysiografiska sällskapet i Lund, 91-93. Kungliga Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund.
- Berggren, L. (2023). Hakkorset då och nu : Reflexioner utifrån Lars-Ivar Ringboms artikel i Granskaren 1933. ICO Iconographisk Post, 2022, 57-85.
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- Carlsson, H., Hanell, F. & Engström, L. (2023). Revisiting the notion of the public library as a meeting place : challenges to the mission of promoting democracy in times of political turmoil. Journal of Documentation, 79, 178-195. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
- De Dios, A., Dodds, P., Groth, S. K., Benivolski, X., Borchgrevink, H., Bubandt, N., Chekan, Y., Rijo Lopes Da Cunha, M., Farnsworth, B., Lovell, R., Mann, C., Mauruschat, A., L. Nwachukwu, U.-U., Bråthen Steen, E. M. & Zhao, Y. (2023). Thinking decolonially towards music’s institution: : A post-conference reflection. Seismograf.
- Dunér, D. (2023). Alfred Wallace 200 år. Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift, 2023, 121-122. Svenska Linnésällskapet, Uppsala.
- Dunér, D. (2023). Pehr Osbeck 300 år. Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift, 2023, 105-106. Svenska Linnésällskapet, Uppsala.
- Dunér, D. (2023). Pontimontaniana. Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift, 2023, 99-100. Svenska Linnésällskapet, Uppsala.
- Dunér, D. (2023). Species plantarum. Svenska Linnésällskapets årsskrift, 2023, 98-98. Svenska Linnésällskapet, Uppsala.
- Gigstad, K., Li, Y., Thaler, J. & Irwin, R. (2023). HIV and access to fertility treatment in the European and Swedish contexts. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 35. Elsevier.
- Graminius, C. (2023). Open Letters and Climate Communication : The Professional Roles and Identities of Researchers in Times of Crisis. Environmental Communication, 17, 537-549. Taylor & Francis.
- Graminius, C. & Dodds, P. (2023). The art of storytelling : against the instrumentalisation of stories as information sources in climate communication. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 4, 51-65.
- Graminius, C., Haider, J. & Ekström, B. (2023). Editorial. Nordic Journal of Library and Information Studies, 4.
- Haidenthaller, Y. (2023). Collecting Coins and Medals in 18th-Century Sweden. Artium Quaestiones, 111-137.
- Halberg, S. (2023). Birth of the Sleepless Land : The Arrival of the Sugar Beet and Some Ethnological Observations on the Steam Plough and its Fossil Mode of Operation in Scandinavian Agriculture ca. 1880. Ethnologia Fennica, 50, 108-140. Suomen Kansatieteilijoiden Yhdistys Ethnos.
- Hanell, F., Carlsson, H. & Engström, L. (2023). The public library as a political symbol : a post-political reading of the demise of the consensus-model in Swedish cultural policy. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 30, 899-913. Routledge.
- Hansen, P. W., Jakobsen, J., Langen, U. & Simonsen, R. (2023). From flesh to paper : Bodily and material transformation in seventeenth-century Copenhagen-a case-study. Urban History. Cambridge University Press.
- Hennessey, J. (2023). The Recurring ‘Discovery’ of Hokkaido and the Ainu : Three Decades of Nineteenth-Century British Travelogues. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 45, 253-270. Taylor & Francis.
- Hennessey, J. & Lahti, J. (2023). Nordics in Motion : Transimperial Mobilities and Global Experiences of Nordic Colonialism. The Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History, 51, 409-420. Taylor & Francis.
- Herd, K. (2023). A tradition older than a country : IFK and the Sweden-inspired sports movement in Finland. Soccer & Society, 24, 306-320. Taylor & Francis.